A New Era of Collaboration and Growth in Northeast Florida Baptist Association

The Northeast Florida Baptist Association (NEFBA) commenced 2024 with an inspiring and transformative event – the first gathering of the Associational Visionary Team (AVT) on January 17th. This meeting, held at the Great Harvest Missionary Baptist Church, marks a pivotal step in fostering enhanced collaboration and mutual strengthening among the churches in our region.

The AVT, comprising dynamic pastoral and congregational leaders from various Family of Churches, convened to discuss and strategize the path forward for the Association. Notably, the session was initiated with a pastoral report from Pastor George Lowe of Great Harvest Missionary Baptist, followed by a devotion led by Brian Winburn. The agenda covered significant topics, financial reports, church vitality strategies, and innovative three-tiered partnership opportunities introduced by Mission Strategist Chris Reinolds.

A key highlight of the meeting was the introduction of the three-tiered partnership model, which promises to revolutionize the way churches potentially connect with and become members of the NEFBA family. This model, encompassing Connected Churches, Partner Churches, and Family Churches, is designed to enhance missional engagement and collaboration among the Baptist churches and other evangelical churches adhering to Baptist traditions. The model not only encourages involvement but also allows for greater autonomy in how churches partner and sharpen one another for mutual strengthening. More information pertaining to this particular arrangement will be finalized at the March gathering of the AVT.

In addition to discussing new business and reviewing minutes, the meeting delved into the Association's financial health, underlining the importance of fiscal responsibility and strategic investments for long-term stewardship initiatives. The commitment to prudent financial management was evident from the detailed financial report presented by Jerry Greeson.

Following the business discussions, the AVT explored various strategic roles, including the pivotal position of a Church Vitality Strategist, aimed at strengthening the well-being and engagement with pastors and congregations within the Association. This role signifies the Association's dedication to nurturing leadership and congregational health, highlighting the mutual benefit and strengthening of our church communities.

The meeting concluded with a forward-looking perspective, as the team discussed potential plans for the Annual Gathering and other collaborative opportunities, embodying the spirit of unity and shared mission.

Just two days after this meeting, the Association celebrated the success of the Deacon on Purpose Conference held on January 19th and 20th at First Callahan. This event, attended by around 12 different deacon teams, was a testament to the growing desire for wisdom and effective service within our family of congregations. The conference provided a platform for deacons to deepen their understanding and refine their skills in meeting the practical needs of the faith families whom they have the opportunity to serve. It was a significant moment of learning and fellowship, further cementing the bonds within our church communities.

The positive conversations and outcomes from both the AVT meeting and the Deacon on Purpose Conference have set a tone of optimism and cooperation for the year ahead. As we move forward, these gatherings will undoubtedly be remembered as pivotal moments in the journey of the Northeast Florida Baptist Association - a journey marked by collaborative efforts, mutual encouragement, and a shared dedication to fulfilling the mission of Jesus Christ.


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